The Bioinformatics Platform (BIP) is dedicated to supporting the mission of the
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) by providing robust computing infrastructure and
standardized processing capabilities for large-scale data within the clinical research community in Kiel.
Our primary
goals at BIP encompass:
Standardized Infrastructures and Workflows:
We deliver production-grade computational pipelines tailored for the analysis and integration of multi-omics data,
including genomics, metagenomics, and transcriptomics.
Scientific Support:
On-demand practical assistance is a cornerstone of our services. We offer scientific counseling and data analysis support to our users.
Knowledge Transfer:
Through workshops and our Slack channel, we foster a closely-knit community in Kiel, promoting continuous knowledge
exchange between the platform and its users. Additionally, BIP is actively developing a training program aimed at
transferring knowledge to clinical scientists in the Kiel area and building capacities for scientists in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Data Integration and Management:
BIP adopts standardized formats for diverse data types and sample metadata, facilitating organized storage of processed data.
Users can seamlessly integrate their data into centralized research databases, including UKSH MeDIC and HiGHmed.
This approach establishes a singular repository of extensive biomedical data, empowering future Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
initiatives for uncovering novel biomarkers and disease-phenotype associations. The platform is well-positioned to support DFG-funded
collaborative projects, either directly or as an integral part, for personnel and funding expansion.
Data Security:
Operating within the restricted-access clinical network of UKSH, our infrastructure is meticulously separated from the rest
of the university. This strict demarcation aligns with regulations governing the protection of potentially sensitive biological
data, such as genomic information.